Dutch Minister Kaag visits Ruitenberg Ingredients

Imagine, in the 82 years of our existence, we never welcomed a minister before. Therefore, we were quite pleased that our Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag honored us with a visit recently. Wishing to learn more about innovative developments in the food industry, she asked us specifically how long we thought it would take to have a fully 3D-printed food concept available. The cookie with our 2D-printed logo we served with her coffee was a perfect example of what we consider to be an early stage of 3D food printing, a process on which we have been studying and working for some years now. Despite the technological progress that is being made, we think it could still take several years before consumers will be able to buy a completely 3D-printed product.

During this visit, we presented some of our signature concepts. One of them, our ‘edible ink’ Rudin®Jet, can be used both for printing a logo and for exact dosing on various products, thus avoiding the spilling of ingredients. She also tasted a small dry sausage with our Rudin®VegaCasing, and last but not least, we served a vegetarian Dutch snack with our plant-based Rudin®ProVega inside.

We would like to thank Mrs. Kaag for her interest in our family company. It has absolutely been our pleasure to welcome her and we hope she enjoyed her visit as much as we did.

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