International trade shows

As a player on the international food market and an active member of the production chain, we regularly participate in leading trade shows such as the IFFA (meat) and IBA (bakery and convenience). We can also be found at regional trade shows, for example the CFIA in Rennes in France.

These are the ideal locations for us to meet our esteemed customers and to become acquainted with new prospects. They also give us the best possible opportunity to present new concepts and applications to a wider audience.

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New! The Filling Stick

We’re really proud to present: The Filling Stick, A pre-formed filling that can be incorporated into bakery products without...

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Status re-authorisation process Smoke Flavouring Primary Products

Dear customer, We herewith inform you on the latest developments regarding the reauthorisation process of Smoke Flavouring Primary Products...

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The various options to create smoky foods

Regulations of wood smoke and smoke flavourings Conventional smoking in smoke houses is allowed as long as Good Manufacturing...

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Hybrid Meat Balls - with RudinPlantify

Ingredients: 30% PR0010 RudinPlantify Faba 70% Pork meat Benefits: Up to 30% plant-based protein structure Taste, texture, bite and...

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To spotlight